Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tumble On Over

I think I'm just going to post my blogs on Tumblr now. I like the format a bit better and it seems silly to type out my day on 2 different websites. Just go to my page on Tumblr. It is

Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read a little about my life. Hope you continue too. I might still post on here once in a while. I know for sure I'll still keep up with your blogs on blogspot. You know who you are. <3


Sunday, October 19, 2008


So my weekend didn't turn out like I thought it would. Santa Cruz was a bummer (tired of talking about it) and today was not as relaxing as I thought. I wasn't able to see that movie with my mom, instead we had to go all the way down to San Mateo for my twin cousins' 26th birthday..and they live in Hercules. Maan. I'm tired.

I think the whole extra practice on Tuesday is ridiculous. 2.5 hours....WHAT???! I don't know when I'm going to find any time to study for my APUSH exam that was postponed to Thursday. Practice 3 days in a row=not fun.

I put a more precise post on my other blog on tumblr. Check it out if you like. I posted the link before.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Free Weekend

This week is finally over and I survived it. It was a jam packed week of prep for our band comp and all the school work I had. I hope I did OK on the 3 test I took today. I'll knock on my "Lucky" necklace I bought yesterday on the CSF field trip.

Tomorrow is finally Saturday! I'm extremely excited because 1. Santa Cruz 2. Hanging with my friends in SC 3. Seeing Doug!!! 4. Seeing a bunch of alumni who are going to support us 5. Trotter is going...whoa :) and 6. Trots moved the exam to Thursday so I can actually enjoy my weekend!!

I finally got my old music off of my other lap top today. I had to download the latest version of itunes so my ipod would be compatible with it. I have 1200 songs now and I could have way more. I wish I had more time to download stuff.

The structure and parts (except for Brian's) in Air Freshener seem pretty good. It's just really hard balancing the sound on stage. ugggh.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I Can't Wait.....

^ This guy above is from the movie "Good Night and Good Luck" I just find this photo completely amusing. haha.

So AP finished recording "Can't Wait" today. It sounds great. I'm really happy with it. I hope we get to perform it one day. Air Freshener is really coming together. I just hope the breakdown/solo section is perfect by auditions. I love it! I love Brian is always talking and working on it too. Complete dedication. lol.

I was having a pretty good day until I went to Chem. I don't what happened. It was like, I was messing around with boo (Jette) and then I couldn't get this one problem for some retarded reason and I just instantly got into a bad mood. I eventually got out of at home when I really needed to concentrate on retaining APUSH info. I hope I do well on that exam next week.

I can't wait for Saturday to get here. I want to see Doug!! I haven't seen him in 2/3 weeks. It's ridiculous. I wish I could see him as much as Janessa and Jackie get to see their bfs... Oh well.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Help Wanted

I love Berkeley. Telegraph has some of my favorite stores and it is amazing. (besides all the homeless crack heads and the people yelling "legalize it!") It was nice to spend time away from my computer and all my school work. I wish I had more time away from it all.

I bought a sweater vest from Urban Outfitters and an acid wash tee from American Apparel. While I was in the dressing room at AA, my mom was talking to one of the guys who worked there. lol. Then she asked the girl at the counter what age you had to be to work there and she said either 16 or 18. If I could get a job (which I can't because of school and band) I would totally work there. The girl told me to bring in a resume one day because they needed more help. They don't even have applications. Just think. I could get a job there.

Another week of school coming up. It's going to be a busy one too. I hope I survive.



I made a Tumblr earlier today. I know Jackie likes hers so I decided to try it out. It'll be kind of weird since I also want to continue with this blog haha. I'll have to decide what I want to put on each. Maybe the other one will be my "what inspires me" type of thing, while this is just my general, what happened, vent, "joy" post, like a diary. We'll see.

Check it out at

I've been working on my portfolio for APUSH all night and I'm finally done. I pretty much like it, but I'm still going to send it to Trotter to see what he thinks about it. I hope I proved my point. I used a lot of facts, which I hope isn't bad. I spent a lot of time on it. I hope I don't have to totally revamp it. yikes!

Oh, the tour at The Academy of Art was amazing. I toured the fashion, animation, photography, and housing areas. Everything is super rad and I really want to pursue photography. I know it will be hard, but I love how they give everyone a chance. A portfolio isn't needed and you can be a complete long as you a true passion for what you want to learn.

This girl my mom and I met during the tour is inspirational. I thought we barely had anything at our school, but compared to her school we are super cool. They only have 62 students, have no dances, and no electives like art or ANYTHING! It's in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Sounds pretty depressing. I'm pretty confident that she'll get her wish to leave that drab place. She has a dream of being in animation and I hope she succeeds.


Friday, October 10, 2008

Rebel With a [good] Cause

I've decided to stop writing my portfolio on Anne Hutchinson because I fear that I may go insane if I continue. It's funny how I'm slightly interested in becoming a journalist, but I hate writing these reports. I guess the difference is, I'm not really interested in writing about Anne being a rebel. She's cool and I'm all for rebels with a good cause, but it's hard to write about. I'm never sure exactly what my teachers are looking for so I always doubt myself.

I wish we could just write essays like writing blogs. It's just emotion and flows way better. Trotter said that everyone did pretty bad on the DBQ's. I thought I was going to get a 6 or 7 but I actually got a 5. maaan. I earned the highest score though, so I guess that's pretty cool.

Mom keeps saying I'm doing a really good job and working hard, but shouldn't be so hard on myself. The problem is, I spend most of my time slaving over homework and seem to still do really really well, but I want to be on like Brian and Jackie's level. I use to be that "smart girl" in like elementary school. I still am i guess since I'm ranked 3 or 4 in my class, but I'm my hardest critic. I never feel like I shine like I should because I feel overshadowed by others.

I can't wait for my tour at The Academy of Art University in SF tomorrow though. It's going to be a lot of fun to walk around the spread out campus and see the actual photography department. I hope I succeed in this whole photography thing. I don't know what else I'll do which is a scary thought. I always change my mind, but I want to stick to this one.


PS. I wish I could win that Pit Photography sweepstakes. <3
PSS. I miss him...